Call for Workshops

Proposals are solicited for workshops to be held in conjunction with the eLearning and Software for Education Conference in Bucharest, Romania.

The workshops will be held on  April  27 - 28, 2023.

These workshops represent an excellent opportunity to address a specific eLearning-related topic of your choice. Proposals should be for half-day, full-day, or two-day workshops. 

Important dates:

Workshop proposal deadline February 10, 2023
Workshop  acceptance notification February 24, 2023


The format, style, and content of accepted workshops is under the control of the workshop organizers and largely autonomous from the main conference. Workshop organizers are expected to manage the workshop content, specify the workshop format, be present to moderate the discussion and panels, invite experts in the domain, and maintain a website for the workshop. The chairperson of each workshop will take full responsibility for the quality of the selected papers.  A workshop will be held only if at least 10 papers are accepted and presented. The target audience of a minimum of 15 persons is a must. 
Workshop registration will be handled centrally by the main conference.

Submission Instructions

Proposals should clearly specify the following:

Workshop title
Impact and expected outcomes
The potential list of invited speakers
List of related publications
Main workshop organizer and other organizers


Workshop proposals may be submitted via email to .

Partners and Sponsors

Supporting Organizations