Ethics Policy for Publishing in the Elearning and Software for Education Conference
Our Authors’/ Researchers’ Responsibilities
Authors/ Researchers will:
Ensure that all researched work submitted is original, prepared to a high scholarly standard and fully referenced using the camera ready template.
All researchers are represented accurately and other appropriate acknowledgements are clearly stated including sources of funding if any.
Open and full disclosure of the source of all data and how it was acquired.
Certify that all the data has been acquired in keeping with recognised ethical research practices.
Read carefully, agree and consent to the Copyright Transfer.
Correspond and comply with the editor in any requests for source data, proof of authorship or originality in a timely manner.
Co-operate with any consequent investigations if any issues are raised by reviewers, editors.
Provide appropriate information for errata if such an event occurs.
Remain in good communication with the editor and any co-authors if the need arises.
Recognise that the Editorial Board has the final decision to publish.
Our Reviewers’ Responsibilities
Reviewers will:
Only review papers that are relevant to their own expertise.
Read the papers with appropriate care and attention and use their best efforts to be constructively critical.
Regard the work being reviewed as confidential and will not discuss it with others and will keep their own identity from authors.
Review submitted work in a timely manner.
Report any suspected ethical misconduct which appears in the work.
Avoid any offensive language in their appraisals of the papers.
Agree to review future versions of the work and provide follow up advice.
Seek advice from the editor if anything is unclear at any time during the review process or if there is any possible conflict of interest.
Communicate with editor in a timely fashion.
Treat all papers reviewed fairly without any favour of prejudice.
Our Editors’ Responsibilities
Editors will:
Only authorise for publication content of the highest quality.
Ensure that a thorough, objective and blind peer review is conducted for original article submissions.
Clearly identify articles which will not be single-blind peer reviewed (i.e. non-academic papers).
Be transparent with regards to the review and publication process with appropriate care that individuals will not be identified when it is inappropriate to so do.
Provide advice to the authors during the submission process when necessary.
Provide the right to appeal any editorial decision.
Be attentive to the possibility of third party material being included in papers for which there may not be sufficient permission.
Be prepared to publish errata when necessary.
Communicate with both the editor and the author(s)in a timely manner.
Treat all submissions fairly without any favour of prejudice.
Our Administrators’ Responsibilities:
Administrators will:
Log all submissions received in a timely manner.
Acknowledge receipt of submission to the lead author.
Check the title of the paper and the abstract for relevance to the conference and where it is not relevant inform the author.
If the submission form is incomplete, inform the author and hold the abstract until a completed form is received.
Check the paper for formatting, referencing, word count and page length. Return to the author if any of these require amendment.
Forward the paper to a member of the programme committee for review and remind the reviewer of the due date for the review.
Despatch the reviews to the authors and remain as a conduit between the authors and the reviewers until the paper has been accepted or withdrawn.
Treat all authors and reviewers fairly without favour or prejudice.
Our procedures when an issue of Ethic is raised
If an issue of Ethics is raised by a reviewer or the Editor or a reader of the proceedings, then the person raising the issue will be asked to submit the concern in writing to the publisher. On receipt of this the publisher will present the written statement to the Ethics Review Panel, which will give the matter its close attention. Any report of possible ethics impropriety will be seen as a major issue and will be investigated appropriately. If misconduct has been committed the paper will be withdrawn, an apology will be called for and if not forthcoming the author/s may be excluded from having any future paper considered for publication in a conference proceedings.